Drilon Jaha
XponentL Data
Published in
3 min readOct 24, 2023


From Legions to Logarithms: How a Roman General Would Manage Modern Data Products

Imagine for a moment a Roman general, hardened from years of campaigns in distant lands, finding himself amidst our sea of modern-day technology. Would he be lost, or would he recognize the terrain, not of land but of strategy, leadership, and challenges? If you look closely, the ethos of leading legions and managing data products isn’t that different.

In the hallowed training grounds of Rome, soldiers were sculpted not just by their physical prowess but by a rigorous discipline that translated to every aspect of their lives. This discipline was a foundational stone upon which the might of the Roman Empire was built. So, when today’s managers grapple with vast and intricate data landscapes, they too need a similar grounding. It’s not about knowing every algorithm or database language but about ensuring that their teams are continually sharpened, ready for the challenges thrown at them. Data, like the Roman battlefield, demands preparation.

Organization in a Roman legion was an art. Every soldier, every centurion knew his place, not just in the camp but in the vast formations they created on battlefields. Data, in its raw form, is chaos. But when organized, structured, and analyzed, it becomes an immensely powerful tool. Just as Roman formations were only as strong as the soldiers within them, data systems are only as robust as their weakest link.

When generals set out on campaigns, their objectives were crystal clear. There was no ambiguity about their mission. Translated to the realm of data, every product, every algorithm, every piece of analysis needs clarity. Why are we doing this? What are we hoping to achieve? And just as a general would send scouts ahead to understand enemy movements, today’s managers must anticipate trends, always a step ahead, ready to pivot when necessary.

But clarity of objective means nothing without clear communication. Orders in a Roman legion passed down clearly, quickly, ensuring that every part of the vast machine moved in sync. Modern data teams should resonate with this clarity. Feedback loops, open channels, and cross-functional collaboration become the lifeblood of successful products. Like a diverse Roman legion made up of various soldiers, data products too need diverse specialists to succeed.

Roman history is rife with tales of valor, of soldiers going beyond the call of duty. And often, this was fueled by the recognition they’d receive — a triumphant return, rewards, and sometimes, a place in history. Similarly, our modern teams, in their battles with data, need that motivation. Recognition, rewards, and a sense that their work matters.

Yet even the mightiest of Roman generals faced defeat. But they understood something crucial — failure wasn’t the end but a lesson. They adapted, learned, and returned stronger. In our relentless drive for perfection in data products, there will be stumbles. But like those ancient generals, there’s wisdom in understanding that each setback is a step towards eventual success.

At the heart of the Roman campaign was the astute management of resources. They knew when to push, when to hold back, and when to pivot. Today’s data products, with their constraints and demands, require a similar tact. It’s about making the most of what you have, optimizing, refining, and sometimes, taking calculated risks.

So, the next time you look at a data product, think of it as a campaign. Imagine that Roman general by your side. In the world of data, as in the vast battlefields of ancient Rome, the principles of success remain rooted in discipline, clarity, communication, motivation, adaptability, and astute resource management. The medium has changed, but the game, in essence, remains the same.

